Car Pool Log: 2006 08-04
Edna was the Driver again for today. This ride was similar to CPL: 2006 08-01; the same lay out within the car, the same Second Passenger. I wondered if they worked together but then I remembered that he gets dropped off the same as me. Second Passenger read a magazine similar to Newsweek. Since there was nothing to note inside the car for today I made a point to watch people as they drove by or we drove by them. Mostly construction workers in beat up trucks or contractors in shiny, new trucks and clean, crisp shirts. Made eye contact with a few people and I shyly looked away, not being strengthened by tinted windows.
As we came off the ramp a ten-wheel truck got its wheel stuck against a concrete barricade. Driver attempted to move around the truck but it drove itself free. As we were being let out Second Passenger said to Driver:
“Remember the house in Chicago? The alley with the fence? They had to tear it down because so many trucks ran into it.”