You never know who’s paying attention.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Car Pool Log: 2007 06-11

White, two-door with blue plastic interiors.

Car drove up and the woman in front of me hesitated before getting in. There was a man Driver. She approached the car, stopped and turned around. “Actually,” she said. “Do you want to take this one?”

“Sure,” I said. The passenger side door had tape on the outside and some kind of plastic tag.

Pens and an ID in the dashboard. Morning talk radio. DJs were having a competition, quiz-show style, between a girl who was under thirty and still living with her parents and an established individual who was over thirty. A commercial for assistance for those who have poor to little sex drive. I thought how uncomfortable that woman would’ve been in the car.

Driver went passed the Howard/Fremont intersection and dropped me off next to the bus terminal. As I walked towards the Orrick building I passed the woman who offered me to take her place in the car.


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