Car Pool Log: 2007 05-03
Sand-colored Acura sedan. Baby-seat in the middle of the back. Driver wore a festively patterned kerchief on her head, hooped earrings. When I got in she was wearing earphones for a mini, blue MP3 player she had clipped to her sleeve. She was playing the radio, KFAX.
Outside of the baby-seat, the first thing I noticed a postcard on the floor beneath Driver’s chair. It was a painted portrait of Jesus Christ, hands held to his chest. Glowing, radiant, holy, bordered in white. His heart outside his chest.
There was a latex glove on the floor near the postcard. It was blown up and knotted off. A face was drawn on the palm portion of the glove with a black marker.
On her keychain, plugged into the ignition, was a lanyard that read, 1 800 BAIL OUT, along with a multitude of keys and a green C-clip.
KFAX was playing a segment called Truth For Life. It was followed with a sermon by a man with a light Irish accent. He was preaching from Joshua 14, about middle age and disgruntledness, about Caleb and his 40 years of patience.