You never know who’s paying attention.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Car Pool Log: 2006 06-14

Got a ride from Ashley this morning. She was waiting for me downstairs, outside of the apartment, reading a highlighted and marked book. We waited in line for another passenger, talking about our evenings last night. She had been painting her bathroom and left a bin of paint, light lavender, on the toilet seat. Her black cat jumped up onto the seat, getting into the bin of paint; covering her paws, her whiskers, and part of her face. The cat freaked out and ran through the apartment, leaving a trail of paw prints in almost white paint. Second Passenger arrived and announced that he remembered Ashley’s car. She had apparently given him a ride in yesterday.

Passing the Yerba Buena on Howard we heard a rather apathetic protest. “What do we want?” we could hear, followed by silence. “When do we want it?” and more silence. “What else do we want?” again, silence. We could see black placards with some kind of writing. As they were passing traffic, crossing Howard, we could read that this protest was actually an advertising campaign for the new Windows platform. “What do we want?” There were about twenty people in black t-shirts with green lettering. “When do we want it?” I think it was some software company that would go with the platform, I don’t recall the name. “What else do we want?” They disrupted the flow of traffic as the light turned green and they were still meandering across the street. I give them some sort of credit for looking humiliated by what they were doing. This kind of advertising I think is smart but offensive. I wanted to call the police for a public disturbance. Had this been an anti-war message I’m sure they would’ve been followed by cops in riot gear. Good thing it was just Microsoft, they are so benign.


Blogger Holographic Liquor Sticker said...

Nice concept blog dude! Carpool log and playlist!Could go on for ever and ever!

1:09 PM


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